To be honest here, I thought this was an improvement from before, but there's still a few problems here and there.
Let's get the cons out first.
First off, the audio quality wasn't really that good, but that can easily be fixed by going to publish setting and changing the audio quality there. Secondly, I think it would've been better if it was all coloured, because it looked more like an unfinished test than an actual video (unless the black and white colours are supposed to be a stylistic choice), and also, both the frame-by-frame animation and motion tweening could've used some more easing, to give more life to the movement. And finally, I'm not a big fan of the quality of the linework. The actual drawings themselves are fine, but the brush quality looks poor. I'd recommend changing the smoothing size to 50, and (if you're using a drawing tablet) also use pressure sensitivity, to add some flow and thickness in the lines. But that's just me. You can choose which style you prefer, as long as it's somewhat appealing, and looks good. Oh, and if I had to nitpick, I'd say that the brush size was fairly different in the first shot compared to all the other shots, which was somewhat annoying to me.
However, on the plus side, your posing's getting a lot better, and you're using a lot more frame-by-frame animation (even though there isn't really any easing in the movement, as stated before), so you're definitely improving over time, so it's not all bad. So yea, overall, it's not the best thing I've seen, but I can definitely see that you're improving in terms of animation, so that's good to see. Keep doing what you enjoy doing, and do the best you can do. Good luck. :)