first cartoon I was proper proud of, I think
I love this, and I love you for making this.
tiltro is dead
This wasn't a mistake
s w a g
first review congratz ryan
I miss the old Cameron, straight from the 'Grounds Cameron
Code up the games Cameron, set on his goals Cameron
I hate the new Cameron, the bad mood Cameron
The always rude Cameron, spaz in the forums Cameron
I miss the sweet Cameron, code up the games Cameron
I gotta to say at that time I'd like to meet Cameron
See I invented Cameron, it wasn't any Camerons
And now I look and look around and there's so many Camerons
I used to love Cameron, I used to love Cameron
I even had the NG shirt, I thought I was Cameron
What if Cameron made a game about Cameron
Called "I Miss The Old Cameron, " man that would be so Cameron
That's all it was Cameron, we still love Cameron
And I love you like Cameron loves Cameron
How much cam could a Cameron cam if a Cameron could cam cam?
Woot!!! All my 5 R belong to this!
the best entry by far
i cracked a funny to this
goode jobe
Aussie animator, artist and graphic designer. Endlessly tired, but still kickin'.
Age 22, He/They
SAE University College '22
NSW, Australia
Joined on 1/7/14